Saturday, March 1, 2008

Life's biggest lessons!

I am no expert on how to live life, neither do I claim to know anything about anything, heck I am just 24. But these are just a few lessons I learnt from some of the successful people I have met. So here I go:
a) Be the most optimistic person you know.
b) It is very important to start Monday on a good note, it defines your whole week.
c) Learn something you will be proud of when you grow old.
d) Write, even if it means nobody understands it or appreciates it.
e) Have a sense of humour, develop the ability to laugh at yourself.
f) Ask out a girl/boy at least once. It's amazing the confidence it requires.
g) Run. Just take a day off and run, run fast, run away from the madness.
h) Make sure you always hug your parents.
i) Dress smartly, it reflects where you belong.
j) Have great friends, invest in the relationship.
k) Measure your success in terms of the number of happy moments you've had.
l) Try everything at least once.
m) Don't compare, try and synergise.
n) Marry only for love.
o) Try and learn from every mistake of yours.
p) Invest in a good suit.
q) Buy a cheap car but invest in the best house you can afford.
r) Be sporting, accept defeat.
s) Never allow yourself to indulge in self-pity.
t) Go on long walks and reflect on your day.
u) Laugh and then laugh some more.
v) Always greet everyone with a smile it is the warmest gesture you can show.
w) Be genuinely interested in people.
x) Think big, make sure you understand the bigger picture.
y) Take calculated risks, you never know when your idea will click!
z) Respect everyone, neither do you have the power to change the world nor do they.
and the last one which I feel was the most important lesson i learned is:
Enjoy everything, life isn't supposed to be this serious!
God bless everyone!!!!