Friday, November 30, 2007

Of CATs and dogs

18th Nov 2007 may have been the most important day in the lives of some lakhs of 20 somethings. You should stop reading if you are wondering what is so special about 18th Nov. You should continue reading if you think WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT 18th Nov. It was the day when lakhs of students looked for answers through questions, when thousands of coaching institutes tried to prove that there was a point to their existence. It was the day when all the parents who told their children that MBA is the career for them, queued outside the test centers. It was the day when a few failures will start the biggest success stories and the day when some 1500 odd people will start the biggest herd enroad to pots of money. Yes 18th November was the CAT day. So what's your score??

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Why blogging? Everyone seems to want an answer for this question. It seems weird to them that anyone would want his thoughts to be read by everyone. A dear friend even quoted "Good writers never write blogs", to which my stupid reply was "I'm not a good writer but a wannabe good writer and wannabe good writers always write blogs." But really "Why Blogging?"May be because it's so easy to start, makes you look in tune with time and is so en-vogue. Truthfully it's another 'What's the point' thing I asked myself to pick up every week. Why wouldn't I write to Annie instead. That's because I'm shamelessly commercial. At some level I want people to read it, love it, hate it, absorb it, reflect it or plainly ignore it!!! Take your pick!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What's the point ?

Have you ever wondered "What's the point of our existence?". I know some of you would rather flip through the latest issue of Stardust or Cosmo but isn't it a point worth a thought?Everyday we follow the same routine with amazing sincerity. We wake up, eat, go to work, meet our gf/bf, kiss, talk of Shahid and Kareena, play, watch TV and sleep only to wake up again. Is there any reason why we do all this. Is there a divine duty we ought to perform or are we designed to sleep walk through our lives like this. May be this meaningless existence is the meaning of life. May be we ought to find the meaning and look for our own purpose. May be we ought not to think. Someone once said "Most of the things we do in life are insignificant but it's important that we do them!!". I guess it makes most sense of all I heard all my life.
Anyway I got to go, have to watch TV. Btw I think Saif and Kareena make a great pair!

PS Did you know Anyways is no word!!!