Saturday, January 5, 2008

Feeling Blue!!

As another new day dawns upon me I wonder what's so different about today. Why does it seem so different from yesterday. Why does eternity separate the two. Yesterday was beautiful, today is gloomy, yesterday was 2007 today is 2008, yesterday was anticipation, today is the day, yesterday was forests and wilderness today is a dingy compartment. So as I prepare myself for the journey called life, I want to answer the all important question, Why isn't the time after the meal as good as the wait. Why do we feel all kicked 'bout celebrating the new year but once it's on us we feel low. Why do we find it so hard to come to terms with the 'morrow. The reason is that we never expect the future to be as good as the past, we're scared of ageing, we feel something in us is killed every second. When I look outside the train I see life moving so fast and so away from me. Then there are stoppages asking me to relax and then the train speeds up again . Then one moment it'll stop and not move, it'll be the end of the journey, the so called destination and then eons later it will be time to board another train, may be as another being. Till then let us all find time to smell the flowers once in a while, look at the sky, the stars, the moon, let us not run so fast lest we reach the destiny too soon!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Why feeling should u said!