Friday, November 30, 2007

Of CATs and dogs

18th Nov 2007 may have been the most important day in the lives of some lakhs of 20 somethings. You should stop reading if you are wondering what is so special about 18th Nov. You should continue reading if you think WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT 18th Nov. It was the day when lakhs of students looked for answers through questions, when thousands of coaching institutes tried to prove that there was a point to their existence. It was the day when all the parents who told their children that MBA is the career for them, queued outside the test centers. It was the day when a few failures will start the biggest success stories and the day when some 1500 odd people will start the biggest herd enroad to pots of money. Yes 18th November was the CAT day. So what's your score??

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