Monday, December 3, 2007

Life and its wondrous uncertainity!!!

Have you ever felt on a particularly bad day that your life is not going in any direction, that you are traveling against the whole world, and that life officially sucks! Well like most of you, I have felt the same many a times in the short span of my existence, though I have realised that most of the time we tend to exaggerate everything and take it to a level where we feel that there is no respite. But there is an auto-correction, the day when we realise that things are not that bad . When we enjoy small inanities, a nice song, coffee with a friend, small talk with a colleague.
On a whole different level it may also happen that something so bad happens that suddenly nothing else seems bad. You laugh at what you were crying. You look at yourself and feel stupid about the days you spent cursing the traffic, howling at your neighbour, fighting with a friend when you could have laughed, called your mom or watched Casablanca. And then there is another auto-correction, you smile to yourself, and tell yourself for the millionth time that you'll be happy. That you'll fight it out, that you'll never give up.
This is life, it always comes a full circle. There is always something or someone that reminds you that there is hope. A hope for redemption, a hope for a better tomorrow, hope for a better world, our own la-la land!!


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